I cant login to TCV or TDV

If you are having trouble logging into either TDV or TCV, or both, it is because there are two separate sites which both require you to log in. 

Once you are logged in on both sites, you can switch between them on the navigation bar.

To log into TDV go here: https://dollarvigilante.com/login

To log into TCV go here: https://cryptovigilante.io/login

Once logged into both, you'll be able to navigate both sites with no interruption.

If you are on a personal computer that is not shared with other people, you can click on the "Remember Me" checkbox to persist the login.

If you still cannot login, please try to login from a different browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Brave or even Microsoft Edge.

If that solves your problem, it seams as you have a cookies/cache issue in your browser.

Chrome: Clear the cookies and site data. Click the trash can next to the sites: chrome://settings/siteData?searchSubpage=vigilante

Brave: Clear the cookies and site data. Click the trash can next to the sites: brave://settings/siteData?searchSubpage=vigilante

Note for Chrome and Brave you will have to copy and paste the provided links. They are not active hyperlinks due to security purposes.

Firefox: Click this link and follow the instructions: 

Safari: Click on this link and follow the instructions: 

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